Dear Students,
You can find the results of the 26.08.2022 English Placement Exam (EPL) below. The students who see Başlangıç / Elementary", "Orta-öncesi / Pre-Intermediate" or " Orta / Intermediate" explanation next to their names have been placed in the specified level in English Language School for 2022-2023 Academic Year. These students will not take the English Proficiency Exam (EPE) on 31.08.2022 - 01.09.2022. For these students, English language program will start on 12.09.2022. Please follow the announcements to be made about your level. Student/Classroom lists will be announced later. Students who see "Başlangıç / Elementary + Yoğunlaştırılmış program / Intensive Course" explanation next to their names have been placed in "Başlangıç / Elementary" and they are expected to attend an intensive course designed specifically for them between 31.08.2022 – 08.09.2022 before the Fall term starts. The list of students who will attend "Başlangıç / Elementary + Yoğunlaştırılmış program / Intensive Course" can be found below.
The students who did not take the English Placement Exam on 26.08.2022 have NOT been placed in a level. These students will take the English Placement Exam on 12.09.2022. No excuses will be accepted for not taking this exam and students who do not take this exam will be continue their education in "Elementary" level as of 13.09.2022. Students who did not take EPL on 26.08.2022 and will take EPL on 12.09.2022 will either be placed in Başlangıç / Elementary", "Orta-öncesi / Pre-Intermediate", " Orta / Intermediate" or "Orta-Üstü Düzey / Upper-Intermediate" or will take the EPE.
The students who see "İYS / EPE" explanation next to their names will take the English Proficiency Exam (EPE) on 31.08.2022-01.09.2022. The EPE student/classroom lists will be announced later. The students who see "İYS / EPE" explanation next to their names but won't take the EPE and students who take the English Proficiency Exam but do not receive a satisfactory grade will be placed in "Orta-Üstü Düzey / Upper-Intermediate level in 2022-2023 Fall Semester.