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EPL Results

Dear Students,

You can access the results of the English Placement Exam (EPL) held on 05.09.2023 through the following link. According to these results, students marked with "Elementary," "Pre-Intermediate," or "Intermediate" have been placed in the English Language School for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. For students marked with "Elementary," the first day of classes will be on 18.09.2023, Monday. For students marked with "Pre-Intermediate" or "Intermediate," the first day of classes will be on 25.09.2023, Monday. Students marked with "Upper-Intermediate" have qualified to take the English Proficiency Exam (EPE).

05.09.2023 SBS Sonuçları

Students who had their names on the EPL lists dated 05.09.2023 but did not attend the exam will continue their education at the "Elementary" level starting from 18.09.2023.

The class schedules and name lists for the new academic year will be shared in subsequent announcements.